Title: Frontier Bioscience Studies in Quantitative Biology Center.
本講義は英語で行います。(Lectures will be in English)
日程/時間割 Schedule
Jan 9 th
10:30-12:00 清水義宏 Yoshihiro Shimizu
13:00-14:30 大浪修一 Shuichi Onami
14:40-16:10 岡田康志 Yasushi Okada
Jan 10 th
10:30-12:00 城口克之 Katsuyuki Shiroguchi
13:00-14:30 森下喜弘 Yoshihiro Morishita
14:40-16:10 上田泰己 Hiroki R. Ueda
New research aspects of cell-free protein synthesis technologies
A cell-free protein synthesis system is a system that synthesizes proteins in vitro without using cells. Since there is no restriction by cell culturing, it can synthesize various proteins / peptides, and various applications are being developed. In this lecture, we focus on the mechanism of the protein synthesis system and applied researches based on its principle, and introduce new research aspects using the cell-free protein synthesis system.
Data-driven developmental biology toward predictive understanding of animal development
Applications of computational image processing to four-dimensional microscope images have enabled high-throughput quantification of spatiotemporal dynamics of developing embryos and tissues. The resultant large data is opening the door to data-driven developmental biology. In this lecture, I will introduce this new field of biology and discuss the future perspectives.
Next generation bioimaging
Microscope techniques are a major driving force in biological studies. Light microscopy and related techniques are revolutionarily advancing in the past ten years. I will introduce the basic principles behind these new microscopy technologies and discuss on the current and future impacts on the biological studies.
Development of for high throughput quantitative measurements using a next generation sequencer
A conventional DNA sequencer has been mainly used for qualitative measurements. However, high-throughput next generation sequencers allow one to perform quantitative measurements. This innovation opened a window for novel applications of sequencers. In this lecture, I will explain the principle of next generation sequencers which provides high throughput measurements, and introduce on-going projects in QBiC using the next generation sequencer, e.g., digital RNA sequencing, single cell microbiome analysis, and combination of imaging and sequencing.
Quantification and mathematical modeling of tissue morphogenesis
Understanding how 3D organ morphology is determined during development and regeneration is one of the ultimate goals in biology. To achieve these goals, it is essential to clarify the quantitative relationships between microscopic molecular/cellular activities and organ-level tissue deformation dynamics. While the former have been studied for several decades, the latter – macroscopic geometrical information about physical tissue deformation ? has been lacking due to imaging difficulties and complex morphology.Against this background, we propose a statistical
method to reconstruct 3D tissue deformation dynamics from a small set of positional cellular data with limited resolution. Application to data from different organs demonstrates that our method provides not only a quantitative description of tissue deformation dynamics but also
predictions of the mechanisms that determine organ-specific morphology. In this lecture, I also introduce our recent trials of mechanical modeling of 3D morphogenesis.
Next-generation mammalian genetics toward organism-level systems biology
Systems Biology research is a multi-stage process. The studies in the process include the 1) comprehensive identification and 2) quantitative analysis of individual system components and their networked interactions, which lead to the ability to 3) control existing systems toward a desired state and 4) design new systems based on an understanding of the underlying structural and dynamic principles involved. Organism-level systems biology, e.g. comprehensive analysis of molecular properties/networks and/or cellular circuits in organisms, is extremely difficult so far partly because the conventional mice genetics requires several-time crossing of animals to produce and analyze enough quality and quantity of mutant mice, and hence it usually takes significant time, space, and efforts. Therefore, in order to realize the system-level analysis in organisms, we need next-generation technologies for mice genetics (production and its phenotyping). In the first half of this lecture, we propose the concept and methodologies of the next-generation mammalian genetics to perform the organism-level systems biology. In the second half, we see an application of the next-generation genetics. We focus on a brain function of sleep/wake regulation, and introduce a high-throughput phenotyping method for the genetically modified mice.